Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Traveling 2 days before Christmas is not really the way to spend Christmas. For starters, you're not with family and friends. But Sandy and I have each other. The wind did pick up a little bit before our arrival, but nothing that I couldn't handle. Traffic was heavy, mostly cars, so lots of folks have started Christmas early.

I took some medication today to cure an ear infection. No ear ache, but my sense of balance is way off. It is not obvious in the motorhome, as I can just lean on the nearest door, chair or what ever. The afternoon, I should have been relaxing outside; instead, I was napping in my chair. What a sack hound I've turned into.Tonight I'm having a terrible time staying awake.

The drive here was un-eventful. We stopped at Gila Bend to drain the fresh water tank and refill it with the good water from Gila Bend. In Quartzsite, we ended up at the post offie before calling the park office and asking how to find them. This park appears to be full, but there certainly are not people on the streets.

It should be a quiet location, as we're out of site of the freeway and city traffic. And there is no train within miles of this place.


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