How time flies when you're having fun. Here it is Saturday night and we're just now getting ourselves adjusted to a slower pace. In the last 48 hours, we stayed for the closing of the 2009 Escapade, waited a few more hours for the ground to dry, but finally called Coachnet for a tow and hit the road today.
Needless to say, I was a bit irritated since the Escapee's and the Fairgrounds management both said that it was not their problem if you were stuck. Call your towing service was their simple answer! What a friendly bunch of so and so's. Needless to say, my opinion of the Escapees and the fairgrounds dropped several notches as a result of this rally. On Friday, Sandy and I waited until about 3 pm before attempting to move out. We even jacked the rear up and located some boards under the wheels to give us a better shot of making it out. But eventually, we gave up and let the big boys do it. An hour later, we were free of the place. We did leave some pretty deep tracks in the ground.
A few other things somewhat upset me also. They have always invited seminar presenters to come in early but now (oh by the way) you owe us an extra days' parking fee). Also, seminar presenters no longer get parking close to their seminar location. I guess it is all take and no give for them. No wonder fewer members are willing to go to the effort to be a seminar presenter. (We noticed many more commercial member presentations this year.) I don't go to an Escapade to listen to some so called expert tell me what to do when he is selling a product that just fixes my problem. He says that if you'll stop in and see him at his booth, he'll give you the details. One electrical expert referred to the lines in a 50 Amp connection as "Hot one" and "Hot two" instead of the traditional L1 and L2.
Tonight we're at the Walmart at Creston, IA for the evening. We were planning to stop at a city (or county) park at Afton, IA, as it had the right words in the description "free". We stopped in town and drove the Saturn out to look the park over. Since Sandy is the only one that does the voting, it was quickly decided that we would not be taking out rig into the park. It really did have a dirt road in, and it had recently rained also. Yep, the road was very spongy and soft. I don't think that the road has ever been graveled. So it was on to the Creston Walmart where Sandy had a prescription waiting for her.
Yes, we need to mention one final insult to us at the rally, "Our USPS mail did not arrive!" It was mailed from Sioux Falls on the previous Friday, so it had plenty of time to reach Sedalia. So it will be a month or two before it finally gets back to the mail service and eventually sent to us. But I guess life could be worse.
Perhaps after another good nights sleep, we'll have a whole new outlook on life tomorrow. It is a very pleasant evening, and the sun is shining brightly.