Friday, May 25, 2012

Ready for the weekend

Isn't it amazing how time flies!   I just wrote the last blog and here it is a week later.  But who should complain, we're healthy and wise!  The asparagus is still producing fresh tender shoots, the sun continues to shine and mother nature gave us a brief shower yesterday evening to calm our fears of an impending drought for the summer.

Going back wards, yesterday was a busy day on the hilltop.  A month ago, the REC inspectors treated our yard light pole and then condemned it for replacement.  So yesterday, the REC shows up with 3 bucket trucks and the local electrician shows up with one bucket truck.  But in about two hours time, they had stripped the old pole, pulled it, planted a new pole and had it fully restored.  Now I'm in charge of restoring some of the little stuff that seems to grow around the pole.  But we can handle that.

Earlier in the week, the local ditch digger was here to repair a field tile.  The tile has probably been in the ground for 50 years and now it decides to break, then collapse and impede the flow of water.  Of course when there is more water higher up, it naturally rises around the blockage and creates a mud hole that can't be farmed.  It is now fixed!

(Yes, we have a backhoe on our tractor, but crawling back and forth from the tractor to the bottom of the tile hole just isn't fun any more. It is just too easy to ask Hopp (the local fixer) to fix the problem and send me the bill.

Today is laundry day for us.  While Sandy is doing the laundry, I'm going on to a neighboring town to see about getting the local RV repairman to install our new water heater.  Yes, I'm sure we could do it.  But again, laying on my back, under the motorhome working on the water lines through a 8 by 12 inch hole for an hour or two is just not something that this old guy looks forward to. So again, we'll see if money talks and he'll do  it for us. (Of course, it will be after a dozen others that want it done yesterday!)   At least we have no departure schedule to work around!

It is 5:43 and the sun has just cleared the horizon. It looks like it will be a bright shinny day today.


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